Unified Origin description

Unified Origin has two components. First component is a web server which is serving static content and forwarding requests to the second component, which is a backend application for serving dynamic content, written in Python.

Web Server

For web server, OpenLiteSpeed is used. HTTPS certificate is provided by Let's Encrypt using acme.sh script.

Backend - dynamic content

All Origin dynamic behaviors are accessible under /production/* and are described in Swagger documentation under following links: /production/docs (Swagger) or /production/redoc (ReDoc).

Server access logs

Web server access logs can be found under /logs.

Request logs

Besides request mirroring endpoint, where you get a received request in a JSON response, you can get the full request details logged to a file.

To do so you can do one of two things:

  • set trace_id (query param/header/cookie as described in docs) for any request
  • set log_request query param to true (yes and 1 work too)
Generated logs are available under /logs location:

Basic metrics

For requests with trace_id there is a metrics endpoint prepared, where you can get the information how many requests for given trace_id were served by Origin.

! IMPORTANT ! Trace metrics are only available for /production/* urls.